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Big Pine Lake, Aitkin MN
Big Pine Lake (#01015700) is located in southwestern Aitkin County Minnesota within Hazelton Township and is part of the Mille Lacs/Rum River watershed. There is a state-owned public access located on the south side of the lake. Big Pine Lake has a variety of habitats available to the angler from open, windswept gravel and rock to areas of heavy vegetation. Shorelines vary from areas with gentle slopes and shallow depths to areas with sharp drop-offs and deep water. Mid-water areas consist of primarily of deep water, but there are several gravel bars with steep sides that rise to within a few feet of the surface.
Big Pine Lake has a surface area of about 638 acres with 6.44 miles of shore length and a maximum depth of 78 feet. Approximately 259 acres of the lake is within the littoral zone (having a depth of less than 15 feet) and the water clarity averages 15.3 feet. Anglers can expect to find a variety of fish including Black Bullhead, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Bowfin, Brown Bullhead Carp, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Pumpkinseed, Rock Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Yellow Bullhead and Yellow Perch. Other fish species include Banded Killifish, Blackchin Shiner, Blackness Shiner, Bluntness Minnow, Brook Stickleback, Central Mudminnow, Golden Shiner, Green Sunfish, Hybrid Sunfish, Iowa Darter, Johnny Darter, Spottail Shiner, Tadpole Madtom and White Sucker.