This event is hosted by Richard and Marie Segar. Family and friends welcome. RSVP to Bring a dish to share and your own beverages. Meat and bottled water provided. Please bring a chair and your appetite!
Roadside Cleanup occurs in the Spring and the Fall. Meet at the Junction Parking Lot for supplies. Roadside cleanup is approximately from 1 mile south of the old Marathon Gas Station to 1 mile just north of Sherwood Forest to just south of 240th Street. Time spent depends upon how many volunteers show up, usually 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The more people that join in, the faster it goes! Please bring your own gloves. All volunteers are welcome to help beautify our highway!!!
Association Meetings are held three times each year at the Pine Lake United Methodist Chapel Community Room which is located at 43472 240th Street. Meeting purpose is to discuss and vote on various issues and opportunities facing Big Pine Lake property owners.
The Annual Big Pine Lake Property Owners Association Meetings for Members is held in July of each year. The purpose of the members meeting is to discuss and vote on various issues and opportunities facing Big Pine Lake property owners. Membership is open to all Big Pine Lake Property Owners interested in the purpose and objectives of the Association. Interested persons may become a voting member by completing a membership form located on the Big Pine Lake website under the Membership tab and submitting the completed form along with payment for one year’s membership dues. All are welcome (but only members are able to vote).
Association Meetings are held three times each year at the Big Pine Lake United Methodist Chapel Community Room which is located at 43472 240th Street.
Line up on the South side of the island. Decorate your watercraft and join the parade. Prizes. All welcome for this fun event!
The annual Big Pine Lake Fishing Contest is in honor and memory of Ryan Comer, who we lost tragically in 2023 in a plane crash the weekend of the fishing contest. Registration is at 8:00 am to 10:00 am at Moore’s Cabin and Fishing is from 10:00 am to noon. Fish Registration is at noon at Mike and Laurie Moore’s cabin on 23568 450th Avenue. No age requirements. Prizes awarded. Click Links below for Rules, Waiver and Fish Registration Forms.
Fishing Contest Rules July
Fishing Contest Waiver July
Fish Registration Form July
Association Meetings are held three times each year at the Pine Lake United Methodist Chapel Community Room which is located at 43472 240th Street. Meeting purpose is to discuss and vote on various issues and opportunities facing Big Pine Lake property owners.
Association Meetings are held three times each year at the Pine Lake United Methodist Chapel Community Room which is located at 43472 240th Street. Meeting purpose is to discuss and vote on various issues and opportunities facing Big Pine Lake property owners.
Roadside Cleanup occurs in the Spring and the Fall. Meet at the Junction Parking Lot for supplies. Roadside cleanup is approximately from 1 mile south of the old Marathon Gas Station to 1 mile just north of Sherwood Forest to just south of 240th Street. Time spent depends upon how many volunteers show up, usually 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The more people that join in, the faster it goes! Please bring your own gloves. All volunteers are welcome to help beautify our highway!!!