Membership Submission Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Big Pine Lake Property Owner Association Membership Form *New MembershipNew Property Owner (Property purchased by owner during 2025)Renewing Membership*You will be invoiced for $35.00 within 10 days of submitting this form. All information will be held in privacy and used only for lake association business. Contact information is used by the board to communicate news and events. We also share emails with Minnesota Lakes and Rivers so that our members can benefit from their newsletter updates. If you choose, your information will be added to a lake directory that is shared only with Big Pine Lake POA members. New Property Owners: You will receive one year membership at no cost to you.I would like to provide an additional donation to be added to the Aquatic Invasive Species/General Fund.YesNo*You will have the opportunity to determine the dollar amount when you are invoiced.Primary Contact *FirstLastSecondary Contact. If none, state NA *FirstLastLake Address: include full street, city, state and zip code. *Home Mailing Address: include full street, city, state and zip code. *Preferred Mailing Address for CommunicationsLake AddressHome Address*Email will be the primary form of communications from the Board.Primary Email Address *Secondary Email AddressPrimary Telephone Number: include area code.Secondary Telephone Number: include area code.Membership DirectoryI want my telephone and email address to be included in the member directory.OPT OUT of providing my telephone and email address in the member directory.* The BPLPOA publishes a membership list that includes name and lake address of all lake property owners (publicly available information from property records). On an annual basis, members will be provided a listing of members name, lake address, phone number and email information that are opted into the directory. You are automatically included in this directory unless you opt out. If you opt out only your name and address will be included.Volunteers: Share your experience and talents to improve our lake. Select volunteer opportunities you are interested in and we will contact you.Welcome Program: welcome new lake property owners. Leader: Sharrell WrightPerform Boat Inspection: activities at Public Ramp (training and inspection) for a couple of hours from time to time. Leader: Tom HubbardMembership/Communications Committee: occasionally distribute communications on your street. Leader: Sharrell WrightSocial Events Committee: help with lake events such as our annual fishing contest, roadside cleanup, boat parade, and summer potluck. Leader: VariousEducation Committee: bring educational information to our membership on areas of need, like Water Safety, Water Quality, Aquatic Invasive Species education and Lake stewardship education. Leader: VariousBPLPOA Board Position Leader: Tom HubbardLake Steward Program: if you have an interest or experience in landscaping or landscaping design, we have an ongoing need for assistance with our new Lake Steward Program in conjunction with Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates. Leader: Tom Hubbard, Jerry Low, & Dick WebberIf you are interested in volunteering in more than one area: add additional area(s) below: code. you Lake Please list any experience you may have that may benefit the group. Examples: conservation, engineering, legal, finance, training, marketing, event planning, fundraising.Submit