Volunteer Opportunities

As volunteers, we understand that time is precious for each one of us. While contributing your dues goes a long way with helping toward our mission of bettering our lake environment, we hope you consider giving of your time and talents. View the opportunities to become involved, get to know your neighbors.

Board Member

Association bylaws allow up to 12 members on the board. We currently have a few openings and would encourage anyone interested in representing Big Pine Lake property owners and their interests to indicate their interest by completing the Contact Us form above. We are happy to talk with you about board member expectations. We formally meet three times a year (September, July and May) and special meetings occasionally occur throughout the year as needed by video or conference call. Board members are added through a membership vote by the Board of Directors.

Street Captains

Seeking one or two volunteers (Street Captains) on each of our major roads to deliver materials on occasion to new and existing property owners.
Leader: Board Member, Sharrell Wright

Roads: 230th Lane, 232nd Lane, 233rd Lane, 235th Lane, 236th Lane, 237th Lane, 238th Lane, 241st Lane, 242nd Lane, 244th Lane, 435th Ave, 445th Place, 450th Ave.

Boat Inspection

Prevention is the key. Keeping new invasive species from finding their way to our lake is a priority for all of us. Becoming an inspector is a good way to spend a few hours helping the lake and meeting a few of your neighbors.
We currently have the MNDNR perform boat inspection Friday, Saturday and Sunday’s from 8 am to 5 pm. We would like to increase our coverage. We have boats coming in prior to 8 am from local areas and would like volunteers that would take a two hour shift. Volunteers would be trained.
Leader: Board President, Tom Hubbard.

Social Events Committee

We have several social events throughout the year and welcome anyone interested in helping with these events to sign up. Many hands make light work!

  • Roadside Cleanup
    Held in May & September. Clean up litter on roadside portions of Highway 169. Take pictures, hand out supplies, etc.
  • Annual Fishing Contest
    Held in July. Set up, tear down, handing out prizes, cooking hot dogs, monitor food table, take pictures, etc.
    Leader: Board Vice President, Mike Moore.
  • Boat Parade
    Held in July. Take pictures, hand out prizes, etc.
  • Annual Membership Meeting
    Held in July. Greet, serve coffee and donuts, monitor attendee sign up sheet, hand out flyers or other materials, tidy up after meeting, run AV equipment if needed.
  • Annual Summer Potluck
    Held in August. Set up, tear down, name tags, monitor food table, take pictures, etc.
    Leader: Board Secretary, Marie Segar.

Lake Steward Committee and Landscaping

Assist in helping to bring this new program to Big Pine Lake. The “Lake Steward” program, developed by Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates(MLR), will help us in evaluating the shoreline condition of individual property owners around Big Pine Lake and by providing corrective and enhancement techniques for improved lake water quality.
We are also looking for volunteers with landscaping or horticultural skills.
Leader: Board President, Tom Hubbard or Board Members, Dick Webber, and Jerry Low.

Aquatic Invasive Species Committee

Those who have a passion for the quality of our lake can get involved in water testing, weed watching, placing and pulling weed bed signs, and other monitoring and reporting activities.
Leader: Board President, Tom Hubbard.

Education Committee

The goal of BPLPOA is to provide additional opportunities for the education of our property owners and their family members in a number of areas:

  • Boat and Personal Watercraft Safety Education. Volunteers will help monitor and develop additional communications toward these efforts that are placed in association communications. They will also review other avenues of educating our lake owners and families such as speakers, incentive programs, fact sheets, etc.
    Leader: Board Member, Dave Fisher.
  • Aquatic Invasive Species Education. Volunteers will provide information for various association communications that help property owners to identify, investigate and report new invasive species.
    Leader: Board President, Tom Hubbard.
  • Lake Stewardship Program Education. Volunteers will provide develop ongoing educational materials for association communications.
    Leaders: Board President, Tom Hubbard and Board Member, Dick Webber.

Membership & Communications

Assists with association membership and communication needs.

Website, Advertising, and Social Media Committee

If you have experience in advertising, website design, content writing, online forms development, or graphic design and want to assist with website or advertising efforts, please reach out.
Leader: Board Member, Sharrell Wright and Volunteer, Amie Mayo.